Sorry Anagora
A page to [[apologize]] for times when you [[accident|accidentally]] call the [[anagora bot]]
Usually because you were [[literal|literally]] referring to [[wikilinks]] or doing some kind of [[syntax]] [[dreaming]].
The [[anagora bot]] is very hopeful in this regard.
See also [[Sorry anagora bot]] which i think is a duplicate page. [[sorry]].
A page to [[apologize]] for times when you [[accident|accidentally]] call the [[anagora bot]]
Usually because you were [[literal|literally]] referring to [[wikilinks]] or doing some kind of [[syntax]] [[dreaming]].
The [[anagora bot]] is very hopeful in this regard.
See also [[Sorry anagora bot]] which i think is a duplicate page. [[sorry]].
Example | Syntax |
Header | # Header |
- Unordered List |
1. Ordered List |
- [ ] Checklist |
Blockquote |
> Blockquote |
Bold | **Bold** |
Italicize | *Italicize* |
~~Strikethrough~~ | |
19th | 19^th^ |
H2O | H~2~O |
Underlined text | ++Underlined text++ |
Highlighted text | ==Highlighted text== |
Link | [link text](https:// "title") |
Image |  |
Code |
`Code` |
```javascript var i = 0; ``` |
![]() |
:smile: |
Externals | {%youtube youtube_id %} |
LaTeX | $L^aT_eX$ |
This is an alert area. |
:::info This is an alert area. ::: |