[[metasj]]: [[bretv]] is great and would be a good addition to these conversations
a healthy way forward is to have a series of design sessions for the interop ecosystem, identify components, identify the pieces that will make it easy for others to adopt the system and get value from it
[[jerry michalski]]
Grew up in [[Lima]] and then [[Buenos Aires]]!
Buenos Aires in the 1960s!
The status of [[South America]] and [[Africa]].
The role of the [[catholic church]] in the problems of the continent.
[[liberation theology]]
[[curas tercermundistas]]
brother in [[Santiago]] :) (not my brother)
-> [[jerry’s brain]] [[cybersyn]] [[salvador allende]]
#book [[overthrow]]
how do we frame this conversation?
we have a lot of things we could talk about, what’s a nice useful way to start this conversation?
[[wikilinks everywhere]]
[[stress testing new technology]] in this space
[[wikilinks everywhere]]
[[jerry]] how we handle links seems very powerful
“how can I be the [[chuck yeager]] of a the new platform”
would love to get out of the current tool into something freer
[[500000]] nodes, [[1000000]] links
[[flancian]] FYI the Agora is small but has 1:4 linking ratio currently
“linking freely but not promiscuously helps find things later”
[[note taking]] vs [[thebrain]]
note taking does happen in the brain
but Jerry doesn’t actually use the notes field per se
it’s not even outliner mode: it’s an actual graph that Jerry navigates dynamically
what about the time dimension?
[[thebrain]] timestamps everything, but it’s not really retrievable via an API
wish: interop between tools that support every useful workflow
#push [[open global mind]] group, every Thu there is a check in call, as an example of taking notes here
Jerry’s their largest user.
Has never paid for it.
Freeing Jerry’s Brain
what else might we do with the structure that it’s easy for him to capture / has been captured?
Exploring migration to other platforms.
Asked for an [[rss]] feed twenty years ago (!)
No other tool seems to be up to the task of migrating to it.
Export is a [[json]] dump
Has imported it into a [[nosql]] database ~1y ago
Some thoughts are [[private]] though, which adds some complexity. Those need to be filtered out.
Would love to offer his brain to others to take a snapshot and start building on it.
[[sj]] [[huggingmind]]?
[[content hash]] based tools have failed so far
if you get into [[decentralized sharing]], there are:
[[named based models]]
[[content hash models]]
no clustering, no updates, need to solve equivalence and relationships in a different level (ipfs has ipdns)
both of these are missing the higher level point: what humans want to share is [[concepts]]
“you want the latest [[human genome]]”
“you want to find a map of [[charging stations]]”
it’d make sense to compose canonical lists at different levels (city, region, global)
[[coordination problem]]
[[hashtags]] as an example of grassroot technology
[[wikilinks]] as acceptable search queries for whatever you’re trying to store
[[metasj]] [[chatoyancy]]
[[query based event addressing]]
[[search engine company]] experimented with crowdsourced query editing
Jerry: “do you have any other [[vector]] into it”
[[flancian]] have you done a [[mindmeld]] with someone else?
Jerry knows one more advanced user, but [[thebrain]] doesn’t offer any way to do this
the exported bag of [[json]] objects is available, people are interested
[[free jerry’s brain]] group, meets Mondays at 1PM Pacific, part of [[open global mind]]
also [[mattermost]] has a channel dedicated to it
[[peter kaminski]]
where to chat?
[[google groups]]
[[fellowship of the link]]
[[zsolt]] did a [[excalidraw]] + [[obsidian]] mashup
“https://www.linkedin.com/in/zsolt-viczian/ TheBrain-like graph-based navigation in Obsidian with Excalidraw, Dataview, and Hover Editor (V2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plYobK-VufM”
[[metasj]]: [[bretv]] is great and would be a good addition to these conversations
a healthy way forward is to have a series of design sessions for the interop ecosystem, identify components, identify the pieces that will make it easy for others to adopt the system and get value from it
[[jerry]] [[Rel8]] Use Cases: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWkwOefBPZY
Jerry: “sharing our notes to fix civilization”
Replacing [[powerpoint]] with better storytelling tool
[[prezi]] was great and then regressed :(
there’s an opportunity in this space
[[powerpoint killers]][
[[samuel]] [[h5p]]
#push [[dxos]]
[[codex editor]] == [[codex]] in the Agora
chat platform: [[mattermost]] or something else?
[[open]] by default or not?
build conceptual outline
[[google doc]]?
[[node]] it?
think about [[diversity]]
meet again in 1w/2w? on https://meet.jit.si/fotl
start an [[awesome foundation]] chapter?
[[wikimedia]] has a grants program for experiments, but they are grant-like and larger
[[public bounties]]?
what’s a good platform for bounties?
[[samuel]] [[expensify]] is a good example
[[building bridges]]